Parents and careers – Neotericschool

Parents and careers

Career Guidance

What is a Career and why Career Guidance at all

  • “career” is anything socially, culturally & legally acceptable that someone regularly does for being rewarded with financial benefits to fulfill their needs.
  • “good career” provides satisfaction, pride, enjoyment, and mental peace along with the financial benefits.
  • “perfect career” however, is a peaceful escape from the chaotic surrounding world for a person.

We at Neoteric World  School believe that everyone deserves a perfect career and this is in absolute alignment with our Vision and Mission. Thus, we make continuous yearlong efforts in collaboration with our dear students for shaping up their careers. This task of eminent importance is handled by the Career Guidance and Counseling Cell of our School.

The exponential scientific, technological, entrepreneurial, and social growth of the Human Community is opening up avenues of newer & newer professions in all the different strata of economy and to demystify a child’s future professional life journey is the duty of each & every educational institution. A duty, which if not performed properly leads to wrong career choices which is most certainly something undesirable. At our school, the career guidance and counseling cell readily and happily fulfills this responsibility.

Towards new and advanced methods

It’s a common misbelief that career guidance begins with subject selection in higher classes or choosing the right college course after leaving school. Against these, we at Neoteric World  School start the process right at the early years of a child’s development. The two most prominent aspects of making an informed and correct career choice are – knowing yourself; and knowing the world. We run programs for talent exploration and development for all our children so that they become self-aware, throughout the session in parallel with the academic activities. Along with self-awareness, we develop in them an awareness of the outside world by exposing them to new experiences through educational excursions, face-to-face interaction with experts, and through other audio-visual methods.

Simultaneously, constant observation of the activities of the children and the accurate record keeping thereof enables us to perform evidence-based analyses and thereby make scientifically backed career suggestions when the time is right. Career guidance and Career selection is a graded & continuous process and it must be carried out in such a manner only. It requires focusing upon a huge number of details and consists of a plethora of technical nitty-gritty, which our Career Guidance & Counseling Cell takes care of in the most efficient manner possible.

A happy human resource can only make a happy society. At Neoteric World  School, this is one of our core beliefs which we strive to materialize through assisting our dear Children in their pursuits of realizing their exact full potential.